Bumpers & Company
Tax & Accounting Blog
Manageable growth should be a strategic planning focus
When a company’s leadership engages in strategic planning, growing the business is typically at the top of the agenda. This is as it should be — ambition is part and parcel of being a successful business owner. What’s more, in many industries, failing to grow could...
M&A on the way? Consider a QOE report
Whether you’re considering selling your business or acquiring another one, due diligence is a must. In many mergers and acquisitions (M&A), prospective buyers obtain a quality of earnings (QOE) report to evaluate the accuracy and sustainability of the seller’s...
Shine a light on sales prospects to brighten the days ahead
When it comes to sales, most businesses labor under two major mandates: 1) Keep selling to existing customers, and 2) Find new ones. To accomplish the former, your sales staff probably gets some help from the marketing and customer service departments. Succeeding at...
Formalizing your business’s BYOD policy
When the pandemic hit about two and a half years ago, thousands of employees suddenly found themselves working from home. In many cases, this meant turning to personal devices to access their work email, handle documents and perform other tasks. Even before COVID,...
How to handle evidence in a fraud investigation at your business
Every business owner should establish strong policies, procedures and internal controls to prevent fraud. But don’t stop there. Also be prepared to act if indications arise that, despite your best efforts, wrongdoing has taken place at your company. How you handle the...
Sometimes businesses need to show customers tough love
“We love our customers!” Many businesses proclaim this at the bottom of their invoices, in their marketing materials and even on the very walls of their physical locations. Obviously, every company needs a solid customer or client base to survive. But, to truly...
Want to see into the future? Delve deeper into forecasting
For a company to be truly successful, its ownership needs to attempt the impossible: see into the future. Forecasting key metrics — such as sales demand, receivables, payables and working capital — can help you manage overhead, offer competitive prices and keep your...
Make marketing better with a brand audit
Mention the word “audit” to a business owner and you’ll probably get an anxious look. But not all audits are of the tax, financial statement or retirement plan variety. You can audit many areas of your company to help you better manage those functions. Take your...
Evaluating an ESOP from a succession planning perspective
If you’ve been in business for a while, you’ve probably considered many different employee benefits. One option that might have crossed your desk is an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). Strictly defined, an ESOP is considered a retirement plan for employees. But...
Key aspects of a successful wellness program
Wellness programs have found a place in many companies’ health care benefits packages, but it hasn’t been easy. Because these programs take many different shapes and sizes, they can be challenging to design, implement and maintain. There’s also the not-so-small matter...