Bumpers & Company
Tax & Accounting Blog
Valuations can help business owners plan for the future
If someone was to suggest that you should have your business appraised, you might wonder whether the person was subtly suggesting that you retire and sell the company. Seriously though, a valuation can serve many purposes other than preparing your business for sale so...
A refresher on the trust fund recovery penalty for business owners and executives
One might assume the term “trust fund recovery penalty” has something to do with estate planning. It’s important for business owners and executives to know better. In point of fact, the trust fund recovery penalty relates to payroll taxes. The IRS uses it to hold...
Could value-based sales boost your company’s bottom line?
If your company sells products or services to other businesses, you’re probably familiar with the challenge of growing your sales numbers. At times, you might even struggle to maintain them. One way to put yourself in a better position to succeed is to diversify your...
Business owners: Think carefully about fringe benefits related to smartphones
You’d be hard-pressed to find many employees these days who don’t use smartphones for some aspect of their jobs. Even someone who works behind a point-of-sale device may use a phone to interact with a supervisor or log work hours. For business owners, this situation...
What businesses can expect from a green lease
With events related to climate change continuing to rock the news cycle, many business owners are looking for ways to lessen their companies’ negative environmental impact. One move you may want to consider, quite literally, is relocating to a commercial property with...
4 best practices for effective strategic planning meetings
It’s not uncommon for employees to grumble about having to attend too many meetings. Sometimes they have a point; an excessive number of meetings can become a problem at some companies. However, there’s one kind of meeting that business owners and their leadership...
Could your business benefit from interim financial reporting?
When many business owners see the term “financial reporting,” they immediately think of their year-end financial statements. And, indeed, properly prepared financial statements generated at least once a year are critical. But engaging in other types of financial...
Reviewing and adjusting your marketing strategy
As summer slips away and fall shuffles forth, business owners and their leadership teams might want to take a look at the overall marketing strategy they’ve pursued this year. How’s yours doing? It may not be entirely too late to make some adjustments to ensure your...
Look carefully at three critical factors of succession planning
The day-to-day demands of running a business can make it difficult to think about the future. And by “future,” we’re not necessarily talking about how your tax liability will look at year-end or how you might grow the bottom line over the next five years. We’re...
Cost containment: An important health care benefits objective for businesses
As the Fed continues to do battle with inflation, and with fears of a recession not quite going away, companies have been keeping a close eye on the costs of their health insurance and pharmacy coverage. If you’re facing higher costs for health care benefits this...