Bumpers & Company

Tax & Accounting Blog 

How to battle back against brandjacking

How to battle back against brandjacking

As individuals, we’re warned repeatedly about the dangers of online identity theft. Well, as a business owner, you’re in double jeopardy because a hacker might not only steal your personal identity, but also — or alternatively — hijack your company’s brand. It’s...

Addressing pay equity at your business

Addressing pay equity at your business

Businesses today are under increased pressure to fully understand and thoroughly respond to the issue of pay equity. And neither of these two broad undertakings is particularly easy. First, fully understanding what pay equity is and whether and how it’s played out at...

ACA penalties will rise in 2024

ACA penalties will rise in 2024

Recently, the IRS announced 2024 indexing adjustments to the applicable dollar amount used to calculate employer shared responsibility penalties under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Although next year might seem a long way off, it’s best to get an early start on...

Keep an eye out for executive fraud

Keep an eye out for executive fraud

Occupational fraud can be defined as crimes committed by employees against the organizations that they work for. Perhaps its most dangerous variation is executive fraud — that is, wrongdoings by those in the C-Suite. Senior-level execs are in a prime position to not...